
MES-112: Design and Development of Self-Learning Print Materials

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers a comprehensive course titled MES-112: Design and Development of Self-Learning Print Materials, which is a part of its Master of Arts (Education) program. This course is meticulously designed to equip educators, instructional designers, and curriculum developers with the essential skills and knowledge needed to create effective self-learning print materials. In an era where distance education and self-directed learning are gaining prominence, this course holds immense value.

Course Overview

The MES-112 course focuses on the principles, strategies, and techniques involved in the design and development of self-learning print materials. It aims to provide a deep understanding of how to create educational resources that facilitate independent learning. The course content is structured to cover various aspects, from understanding learner needs to the actual production and evaluation of self-learning materials.

Objectives of MES-112

The primary objectives of the MES-112 course are:

  1. To understand the role and importance of self-learning print materials in the context of open and distance education.
  2. To analyze the characteristics and needs of distance learners.
  3. To learn the principles of instructional design specific to self-learning print materials.
  4. To develop skills in writing and structuring content for self-learning.
  5. To evaluate and revise self-learning materials based on feedback and effectiveness.

Importance of Self-Learning Print Materials

Self-learning print materials are crucial in the realm of distance education for several reasons:

  • Accessibility: They provide learning opportunities to students in remote and underserved areas where digital resources might be limited.
  • Self-Pacing: Learners can progress through the material at their own pace, accommodating different learning speeds and styles.
  • Retention: Well-designed print materials can enhance retention and understanding through clear, structured content and engaging activities.
  • Reference: Print materials serve as a tangible resource that learners can refer back to whenever needed.

Course Content and Structure

The MES-112 course is divided into several units, each focusing on a different aspect of designing and developing self-learning print materials.

  1. Understanding Distance Learners:
    • This unit delves into the characteristics, learning styles, and specific needs of distance learners. Understanding the target audience is critical to designing effective self-learning materials.
  2. Principles of Instructional Design:
    • Here, students learn about the foundational theories and principles of instructional design. This includes understanding how to structure content logically, use pedagogical strategies effectively, and align learning outcomes with assessments.
  3. Content Development:
    • This unit focuses on the actual writing of self-learning materials. Topics include writing clear and concise text, using appropriate language and tone, incorporating visuals and examples, and designing interactive activities that engage learners.
  4. Structuring and Formatting:
    • Proper structure and formatting are vital for readability and engagement. This unit teaches how to organize content into modules or units, use headings and subheadings effectively, and ensure that the materials are visually appealing.
  5. Production and Distribution:
    • This unit covers the technical aspects of producing self-learning print materials. It includes discussions on printing techniques, cost considerations, and distribution strategies to ensure that the materials reach the intended audience.
  6. Evaluation and Feedback:
    • The final unit emphasizes the importance of evaluating self-learning materials. Students learn how to gather feedback from learners and instructors, analyze the effectiveness of the materials, and make necessary revisions.

Practical Applications and Assignments

The MES-112 course includes various practical assignments to help students apply their learning. These may include:

  • Case Studies: Analyzing existing self-learning print materials to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Content Creation: Developing a unit or module of self-learning material on a given topic.
  • Peer Review: Evaluating and providing feedback on fellow students’ materials.
  • Project Work: Designing a complete set of self-learning materials for a specific course or subject.

Benefits of the Course

Completing the MES-112 course offers numerous benefits to educators and instructional designers:

  • Enhanced Skills: Learners acquire advanced skills in instructional design and content development, which are highly valuable in the field of education.
  • Career Advancement: The knowledge and expertise gained can lead to career opportunities in educational institutions, publishing companies, and e-learning organizations.
  • Improved Learning Outcomes: Educators can create more effective self-learning materials that improve learner engagement and success rates.
  • Contribution to Education: By developing high-quality self-learning materials, graduates of this course can contribute significantly to the advancement of distance education.


The MES-112: Design and Development of Self-Learning Print Materials course is a vital component of IGNOU’s Master of Arts (Education) program. It provides a thorough understanding of how to create educational materials that facilitate independent learning, catering to the unique needs of distance learners. The course not only equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge but also empowers them to make significant contributions to the field of education. In an era where distance learning is becoming increasingly important, the ability to design effective self-learning print materials is a valuable asset.


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