
BSOC-134: Methods of Sociological Enquiry – A Comprehensive Overview


The course BSOC-134: Methods of Sociological Enquiry offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a cornerstone in the curriculum for students pursuing sociology. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the various methods used in sociological research, equipping students with the essential skills to conduct rigorous and ethical social research. The methods of sociological enquiry are pivotal in the field of sociology as they offer systematic approaches to investigate and understand social phenomena. This course is designed to impart both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, making it indispensable for aspiring sociologists.

Course Objectives

BSOC-134 aims to achieve several key objectives:

  1. Understanding Research Methodology: The course introduces students to the fundamentals of research methodology in sociology, including the scientific approach to social research.
  2. Developing Research Skills: It provides practical skills for designing and conducting sociological research, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  3. Ethical Research Practices: The course emphasizes the importance of ethics in social research, guiding students on how to conduct studies responsibly and ethically.
  4. Critical Thinking: It fosters critical thinking by encouraging students to critically evaluate different research methods and their applicability to various social contexts.

Course Structure and Content

The BSOC-134 course is structured into several units, each focusing on different aspects of sociological research methods. Here is a breakdown of the key units and their content:

Unit 1: Introduction to Sociological Research

  • Definition and Importance: This unit introduces the concept of sociological research and its significance in understanding social issues.
  • Types of Research: It covers different types of sociological research, including basic, applied, and evaluative research.
  • Research Process: Students learn about the steps involved in the research process, from identifying a research problem to formulating hypotheses.

Unit 2: Research Design

  • Concepts and Types: This unit explains the concept of research design and its importance in structuring a research study.
  • Types of Research Designs: It covers various research designs, including exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory designs.
  • Selecting a Research Design: Students learn how to choose an appropriate research design based on their research objectives and questions.

Unit 3: Data Collection Methods

  • Quantitative Methods: This section focuses on quantitative data collection methods such as surveys and experiments.
  • Qualitative Methods: It covers qualitative methods like interviews, focus groups, and participant observation.
  • Mixed Methods: The unit also introduces mixed-methods research, combining both quantitative and qualitative approaches.

Unit 4: Sampling Techniques

  • Concept of Sampling: This unit explains the importance of sampling in sociological research and introduces key sampling concepts.
  • Types of Sampling: Students learn about different sampling techniques, including probability and non-probability sampling methods.
  • Determining Sample Size: It provides guidelines on how to determine an appropriate sample size for a study.

Unit 5: Data Analysis

  • Quantitative Data Analysis: This section covers techniques for analyzing quantitative data, including statistical methods and software tools.
  • Qualitative Data Analysis: It explains methods for analyzing qualitative data, such as coding and thematic analysis.
  • Interpreting Data: Students learn how to interpret data and draw meaningful conclusions from their analysis.

Unit 6: Writing a Research Report

  • Structure of a Research Report: This unit guides students on how to structure a research report, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusion.
  • Writing Style and Presentation: It provides tips on writing style, presentation, and citing sources correctly.
  • Ethical Considerations: The unit also emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations in writing and presenting research.

Importance of BSOC-134

The BSOC-134 course is vital for several reasons:

Foundation for Advanced Research

This course lays the groundwork for more advanced studies in sociology. By understanding the methods of sociological enquiry, students are better prepared to undertake complex research projects in their future academic and professional endeavors.

Practical Application

The practical skills gained from this course are directly applicable to various fields, including academia, market research, public policy, and social services. Students can utilize these skills to conduct research that informs policy decisions, improves social programs, and contributes to academic knowledge.

Enhancing Employability

Proficiency in research methods is a highly sought-after skill in the job market. Employers in numerous sectors value the ability to design and conduct research, analyze data, and present findings effectively. Completing this course enhances students’ employability by equipping them with these critical skills.

Ethical Research Practices

Emphasizing ethical research practices ensures that students are not only competent researchers but also responsible ones. Understanding and adhering to ethical guidelines is crucial in maintaining the integrity of sociological research and its impact on society.


BSOC-134: Methods of Sociological Enquiry is a comprehensive and essential course for students of sociology at IGNOU. It provides a solid foundation in research methodology, equipping students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for conducting rigorous and ethical sociological research. By mastering the methods of sociological enquiry, students are well-prepared to contribute to the field of sociology and address complex social issues through informed and methodical research. This course is a stepping stone to a successful career in sociology and related fields, making it an invaluable part of the academic curriculum.


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