
BSOC 112: Sociological Research Methods-I – IGNOU

The course BSOC 112: Sociological Research Methods-I, offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), is a foundational course designed to introduce students to the essential principles and practices of sociological research. This course is crucial for students pursuing a degree in sociology as it equips them with the necessary skills to conduct empirical research, analyze data, and interpret sociological phenomena. The course is structured to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, preparing students to undertake independent research projects.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of BSOC 112 are to:

  1. Introduce Basic Research Concepts: Provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of sociological research.
  2. Develop Research Skills: Equip students with the skills required to design and conduct sociological research studies.
  3. Understand Research Ethics: Emphasize the importance of ethical considerations in sociological research.
  4. Foster Analytical Thinking: Encourage students to critically analyze social issues and phenomena using sociological research methods.
  5. Prepare for Advanced Studies: Lay the groundwork for more advanced courses in sociological research and methodologies.

Curriculum and Key Topics

The curriculum of BSOC 112 covers a wide range of topics, providing students with a solid foundation in sociological research methods. Key topics include:

1. Introduction to Sociological Research

  • Definition and Scope: Understanding what sociological research entails and its significance in the field of sociology.
  • Types of Research: Differentiating between basic and applied research, and understanding the purposes of each.
  • Research Process: Overview of the steps involved in conducting sociological research, from formulating a research question to reporting findings.

2. Research Design

  • Research Questions and Hypotheses: Developing clear and concise research questions and hypotheses.
  • Types of Research Designs: Exploring various research designs, including exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory research.
  • Sampling Techniques: Understanding different sampling methods and their implications for research.

3. Data Collection Methods

  • Quantitative Methods: Introduction to surveys, experiments, and secondary data analysis.
  • Qualitative Methods: Overview of ethnography, interviews, focus groups, and content analysis.
  • Mixed Methods: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches in a single study.

4. Data Analysis

  • Quantitative Analysis: Basics of statistical analysis, including descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • Qualitative Analysis: Techniques for analyzing qualitative data, such as coding and thematic analysis.
  • Software Tools: Introduction to software tools commonly used in data analysis, such as SPSS for quantitative data and NVivo for qualitative data.

5. Research Ethics

  • Ethical Considerations: Understanding the ethical principles that guide sociological research, including informed consent, confidentiality, and the avoidance of harm.
  • Institutional Review Boards (IRBs): The role of IRBs in overseeing research involving human subjects.
  • Case Studies: Analysis of real-world examples of ethical dilemmas in sociological research.

6. Reporting and Presenting Research

  • Writing Research Reports: Structure and components of a research report, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Presentation Skills: Techniques for effectively presenting research findings to various audiences.
  • Publication Process: Understanding the process of submitting research for publication in academic journals.

Pedagogical Approach

The pedagogical approach of BSOC 112 combines theoretical instruction with practical application. The course employs a variety of teaching methods to enhance learning, including:

  • Lectures and Readings: Providing foundational knowledge on sociological research methods through lectures and assigned readings.
  • Hands-on Exercises: Engaging students in practical exercises to apply research methods and techniques.
  • Case Studies: Using real-world examples to illustrate key concepts and challenges in sociological research.
  • Group Discussions: Encouraging collaborative learning and critical thinking through group discussions and debates.
  • Assignments and Projects: Assigning individual and group projects to develop research skills and apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment in BSOC 112 is designed to evaluate both theoretical understanding and practical skills. The evaluation methods include:

  • Assignments: Regular assignments to assess comprehension and application of research concepts and methods.
  • Projects: Group and individual projects that require students to design and conduct their own research studies.
  • Examinations: Written exams to test theoretical knowledge of sociological research methods.
  • Presentations: Oral presentations to develop communication skills and demonstrate the ability to present research findings effectively.

Relevance and Importance

The relevance of BSOC 112 cannot be overstated in the context of sociological education. As sociology increasingly relies on empirical research to understand and address social issues, the ability to conduct robust and ethical research is paramount. This course equips students with the tools and knowledge to engage in meaningful sociological research, contributing to their overall academic and professional development.

Career Opportunities

A solid understanding of sociological research methods opens up a variety of career opportunities for students, including:

  • Academic Researcher: Conducting research and contributing to the academic body of knowledge in sociology.
  • Policy Analyst: Using research skills to analyze and develop social policies.
  • Market Researcher: Applying sociological research methods to understand consumer behavior and market trends.
  • Social Worker: Utilizing research to inform and improve social work practices.
  • Consultant: Providing research-based insights to organizations and institutions addressing social issues.


BSOC 112: Sociological Research Methods-I is a fundamental course for students pursuing a degree in sociology at IGNOU. It provides a thorough grounding in the principles and practices of sociological research, preparing students to undertake independent research projects and contribute to the field of sociology. By combining theoretical instruction with practical application, the course ensures that students are well-equipped to address complex social issues through rigorous and ethical research. This course is an essential step for anyone aspiring to a career in sociology or related fields, offering a solid foundation for advanced studies and professional development.


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