
BPAC-101: Perspectives on Public Administration – IGNOU Subject Overview


The Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) program at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) includes a variety of courses designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of public administration. One such foundational course is BPAC-101: Perspectives on Public Administration. This course is essential for students aiming to gain a deep understanding of the theories, concepts, and practices that define public administration. It serves as a cornerstone for further studies and practical applications in the field.

Course Objectives

BPAC-101 aims to introduce students to the fundamental perspectives of public administration. The course objectives include:

  1. Understanding Key Concepts: To familiarize students with the basic concepts, theories, and principles of public administration.
  2. Historical Context: To provide an overview of the evolution of public administration as a discipline and practice.
  3. Comparative Analysis: To enable students to compare and contrast different administrative systems and practices across various contexts and cultures.
  4. Critical Thinking: To encourage critical thinking about contemporary issues and challenges in public administration.
  5. Practical Application: To bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in public sector management.

Course Structure and Content

The BPAC-101 course is structured into several units, each focusing on different aspects of public administration. The content is designed to build a solid foundation for understanding the complex nature of public administration and its role in governance and public policy.

Unit 1: Introduction to Public Administration

This unit provides an overview of public administration, including its definition, scope, and significance. It explores the role of public administration in government and society and introduces students to the various functions and responsibilities of public administrators.

  • Definition and Scope of Public Administration
  • Importance and Role in Governance
  • Functions and Responsibilities of Public Administrators

Unit 2: Evolution of Public Administration

In this unit, students delve into the historical development of public administration as a field of study and practice. It covers key milestones, influential theories, and major thinkers who have shaped the discipline.

  • Historical Development of Public Administration
  • Major Theories and Thinkers
  • Evolution of Administrative Practices

Unit 3: Theories of Public Administration

This unit examines the various theories that provide different perspectives on public administration. Students will explore classical, neo-classical, and modern theories, understanding how each contributes to the field.

  • Classical Theories: Bureaucratic, Scientific Management, Administrative Management
  • Neo-Classical Theories: Human Relations, Behavioral Approach
  • Modern Theories: Systems Theory, Contingency Theory, Public Choice Theory

Unit 4: Public Administration and Other Social Sciences

Public administration is an interdisciplinary field. This unit explores its relationship with other social sciences such as political science, sociology, economics, and law, highlighting how these disciplines contribute to a holistic understanding of public administration.

  • Interdisciplinary Nature of Public Administration
  • Relationship with Political Science, Sociology, Economics, and Law
  • Contributions of Social Sciences to Public Administration

Unit 5: Comparative Public Administration

In this unit, students learn to compare administrative systems and practices across different countries and cultures. The unit emphasizes understanding the variations and similarities in administrative practices and the factors that influence these differences.

  • Concept of Comparative Public Administration
  • Comparative Analysis of Administrative Systems
  • Factors Influencing Administrative Practices

Unit 6: Contemporary Issues in Public Administration

This unit addresses the current trends and challenges in public administration. Topics include globalization, privatization, digital governance, and public sector reforms. Students are encouraged to critically analyze these issues and their impact on public administration.

  • Globalization and Public Administration
  • Privatization and Public-Private Partnerships
  • Digital Governance and E-Government
  • Public Sector Reforms

Learning Outcomes

By the end of BPAC-101, students will have achieved several learning outcomes:

  1. Comprehensive Understanding: A thorough understanding of the foundational concepts, theories, and practices in public administration.
  2. Historical Insight: Insight into the historical evolution of public administration and its impact on contemporary practices.
  3. Analytical Skills: Enhanced ability to analyze and compare administrative systems and practices across different contexts.
  4. Critical Thinking: Improved critical thinking skills to evaluate contemporary issues and challenges in public administration.
  5. Practical Application: The ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world public administration scenarios.

Teaching Methodology

IGNOU employs a blend of teaching methodologies to ensure comprehensive learning. The course includes:

  • Self-Learning Materials (SLMs): Detailed study materials that students can read and understand at their own pace.
  • Online Resources: Access to digital libraries, e-books, and online journals for further reading and research.
  • Assignments: Regular assignments to assess students’ understanding and application of the course content.
  • Interactive Sessions: Online and offline interactive sessions, webinars, and workshops with experts in the field.
  • Examinations: Periodic examinations to evaluate the overall grasp of the subject matter.

Assessment and Evaluation

The evaluation process for BPAC-101 includes continuous assessment through assignments, project work, and term-end examinations. Each component is designed to test different aspects of students’ knowledge and skills.

  • Assignments: Weightage of 30%, assessing understanding and analytical abilities.
  • Term-End Examination: Weightage of 70%, testing comprehensive knowledge of the entire course content.


BPAC-101: Perspectives on Public Administration is a crucial course in the IGNOU BPA program. It lays the groundwork for a deep and nuanced understanding of public administration, preparing students for advanced studies and careers in the public sector. The course equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of public administration, making them valuable assets to any organization or government entity. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical applications, BPAC-101 ensures that students are well-prepared to contribute effectively to the field of public administration.


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