BGDG -172: Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture


BGDG-172: Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture – IGNOU

Course Overview

The course BGDG-172, “Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture,” offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), aims to foster a deep understanding of gender issues and promote gender sensitivity in society. This course is designed to enlighten students about the complexities of gender roles, identities, and inequalities within various cultural and societal contexts. It provides a comprehensive examination of gender-related concepts and encourages critical thinking and awareness about gender dynamics in everyday life.

Objectives of BGDG-172

The primary objectives of BGDG-172 are to:

  1. Introduce Gender Concepts: Provide foundational knowledge on key gender-related concepts and terminologies.
  2. Explore Gender Roles and Identities: Examine the construction and impact of gender roles and identities across different cultures and societies.
  3. Analyze Gender Inequality: Investigate the root causes and manifestations of gender inequality in various social institutions.
  4. Promote Gender Sensitivity: Foster an understanding and appreciation of gender diversity and the importance of gender sensitivity.
  5. Encourage Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to analyze and challenge gender stereotypes and biases.

Curriculum and Key Topics

The curriculum of BGDG-172 is thoughtfully structured to cover a wide range of topics related to gender sensitization. Some of the key topics include:

  1. Introduction to Gender Studies:
    • Definition and importance of gender studies
    • Key concepts: sex, gender, gender identity, and gender roles
    • Distinction between biological and social constructions of gender
  2. Historical Perspectives on Gender:
    • Evolution of gender roles through history
    • Key historical events and movements that influenced gender dynamics
    • Comparative analysis of gender roles in different historical periods
  3. Gender and Socialization:
    • The process of gender socialization
    • Role of family, education, media, and peers in shaping gender roles
    • Impact of socialization on gender identity and expectations
  4. Gender and Culture:
    • Intersection of gender with culture and traditions
    • Cultural representations of gender in literature, art, and media
    • Role of cultural norms and practices in reinforcing gender stereotypes
  5. Gender Inequality and Discrimination:
    • Forms and manifestations of gender inequality
    • Structural and systemic barriers to gender equality
    • Case studies on gender discrimination in various sectors (workplace, education, politics, etc.)
  6. Feminist Theories and Movements:
    • Overview of major feminist theories and their contributions
    • Key feminist movements and their impact on gender policies
    • Contemporary feminist issues and debates
  7. Gender and Sexuality:
    • Understanding the spectrum of gender and sexual identities
    • Challenges faced by LGBTQ+ communities
    • Role of gender sensitization in promoting sexual rights and inclusivity
  8. Gender and Development:
    • Gender perspectives in development policies and programs
    • Gender-sensitive approaches to sustainable development
    • Role of women and gender minorities in development processes
  9. Legal and Policy Frameworks:
    • Overview of laws and policies related to gender equality
    • Analysis of international conventions and agreements on gender rights
    • Role of government and non-governmental organizations in promoting gender justice
  10. Gender Sensitization in Practice:
    • Strategies for promoting gender sensitivity in various settings
    • Best practices for creating gender-inclusive environments
    • Role of education and awareness programs in combating gender biases

Pedagogical Approach

BGDG-172 employs a diverse and interactive pedagogical approach to ensure a comprehensive understanding of gender issues. The course includes:

  • Lectures and Readings: Providing foundational knowledge through comprehensive lectures and curated reading materials.
  • Case Studies: Analyzing real-world examples to illustrate gender issues and their impact.
  • Interactive Discussions: Facilitating group discussions and debates to encourage diverse perspectives and critical thinking.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Offering practical training and skill development in gender sensitization.
  • Assignments and Projects: Enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and conduct independent research.

Assessment and Evaluation

The assessment in BGDG-172 is designed to evaluate both theoretical understanding and practical application of gender sensitization concepts. The evaluation methods include:

  • Assignments: Regular assignments to assess comprehension and critical analysis of gender issues.
  • Projects: Group and individual projects to encourage collaborative learning and practical application.
  • Examinations: Written exams to test the theoretical knowledge of students.
  • Presentations: Oral presentations to develop communication skills and promote peer learning.

Relevance and Importance

The relevance of BGDG-172 in today’s world cannot be overstated. As societies continue to grapple with issues of gender inequality and discrimination, there is a pressing need for individuals who are well-versed in gender sensitization. This course equips students with the knowledge and skills to challenge gender biases and contribute to the creation of more inclusive and equitable environments.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of BGDG-172 can pursue a variety of career paths, including:

  • Gender Sensitization Trainers: Conducting workshops and training sessions to promote gender sensitivity in organizations.
  • Policy Analysts: Working with government agencies and NGOs to develop and implement gender-sensitive policies.
  • Research Scholars: Engaging in academic research on gender issues and contributing to scholarly publications.
  • Social Workers: Advocating for gender rights and providing support to marginalized communities.
  • Educators: Teaching gender studies in academic institutions and raising awareness among students.


BGDG-172: Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture is a vital course for anyone interested in understanding and addressing gender issues. It provides a thorough examination of gender dynamics and promotes critical thinking and awareness about gender equality. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills, BGDG-172 contributes to the creation of more inclusive and equitable societies. This course is not just an academic pursuit but a step towards fostering a more just and fair world for all.


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