
MGP-004 2023 IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENT : Download link , Answers


Exploring MGP-004: Gandhi’s Political Thought


MGP-004, titled “Gandhi’s Political Thought,” offered by IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University), delves deep into the profound ideologies and principles propagated by Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian nation. This course is a cornerstone for understanding Gandhi’s philosophy, which remains relevant in contemporary political discourse globally.

Overview of the Course

MGP-004 aims to unravel the intricacies of Gandhi’s political thought through a comprehensive study of his writings, speeches, and actions. The course covers various aspects of Gandhi’s philosophy, including his concepts of truth, nonviolence (ahimsa), self-reliance, Satyagraha (nonviolent resistance), and Sarvodaya (welfare of all). Students explore how these ideas shaped India’s struggle for independence and continue to inspire movements worldwide.

Key Themes and Concepts

Gandhi’s political thought is rooted in the principle of nonviolence, which he considered as both a moral imperative and a strategic approach to social and political change. The course examines how Gandhi applied nonviolence in his campaigns against British colonial rule and how it influenced leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela in their respective struggles.

Course Structure and Modules

MGP-004 is structured into modules that systematically explore different facets of Gandhi’s political philosophy:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Gandhi’s Life and Times
  • Module 2: Ahimsa and Satyagraha
  • Module 3: Swaraj and Self-Reliance
  • Module 4: Sarvodaya and Gram Swaraj

Each module includes readings from Gandhi’s writings such as “Hind Swaraj,” “Satyagraha in South Africa,” and his numerous letters and articles. Students critically analyze these texts to understand Gandhi’s evolving political thought and its application in various socio-political contexts.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students are expected to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Gandhi’s political philosophy and its relevance in contemporary times.
  • Analyze Gandhi’s approach to social and political issues through the lens of nonviolence and truth.
  • Evaluate the impact of Gandhi’s ideas on global movements for social justice and human rights.
  • Reflect critically on the challenges and limitations of applying Gandhi’s principles in modern-day politics.

Importance in Contemporary Context

Studying Gandhi’s political thought is crucial for addressing current global challenges such as conflict resolution, environmental sustainability, and social justice. His emphasis on ethical governance, decentralization, and inclusive development offers valuable insights for policymakers and activists striving for a more just and equitable world.


MGP-004: Gandhi’s Political Thought is not just a course; it is a journey into the mind and spirit of one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century. Through rigorous study and critical reflection, students uncover the enduring relevance of Gandhi’s principles in fostering peace, justice, and human dignity. This course is a testament to IGNOU’s commitment to imparting holistic education that transcends time and geography, shaping informed global citizens committed to Gandhian values of truth, nonviolence, and social harmony.

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